Classical massages
Classical massage
Permanent effect is guaranteed after series of massages made both on entire body and on particular parts of the body. Used techniques affect directly skin, tissue under the skin, muscles and also directly blood system, nerve and lymph system.
Duration time: 50 min.
Massage after liposuction
Is an integral part of recovery after surgery. It stimulates the immobilized lymph to circulation, accelerates the removal of harmful substances resulting from the breakdown of fat cells from the body, prevents postoperative complications as a fibrosis (growth of fibrous connective tissue causing unevenness). During massage, healing processes occur at a higher rate, which guarantees achieving the final effect in a shorter time.
Duration time: 50 min.
Lymph drainage
It improves circulation of lymph in lymph system, corrects conditions for producing white blood cells, water and mineral salt transport, especially bacteria. It eliminates endema.
Duration time: 50 min.
Massages - Relaxation
Oriental feet massage
It's a deeply relaxing massage. Stimulation of acupressure points contributes to blood circulation stimulation, organism purification from toxins, bringing back the vitality and internal organs stimulation to work. It's recommended for sleeping problems and body tension caused by stress.
Duration time: 50 min.
Massage with hot oil
A whole body massage which pleasantly loosens up. It nourishes, softens skin and makes it pert. The skin becomes delicate and smooth. The massage contributes to complete relaxation of muscles and relief of nerves. It has a strong anti depression action. Floating scent has an influence on lifting spirits.
Duration time: 50 min.
Aroma candle massage
It is a connection of sensual scent and restful warm. Magical, giving one of a kind impression massage with using wax, which after lightening a candle becomes a warm, aromatic oil. Wax mixture consisting of soy oil, coconut oil and aromatherapy oil will leave your skin delicate and silk. The candle is made of natural wax, does not include paraffin.
Duration time: 50 min.
Indian head massage
Extremely relaxing and soothing Massage removing accumulated stress. It stimulates the circulation and, what is more, supplies in a better way hair follicles in oxygen and nutrients.
Duration time: 30 min.
Russian honey massage
Hot honey rich with vitamins A,B, E and K and amino acids deeply moisturizes skin. Thanks to gluey consistency of honey skin becomes cleansed, and after the massage it is protected from disadvantageous action of nicotine, coffee and air pollution. This massage is particularly for people, who are stressed, tired and have mood fluctuations and sleep perturbations.
Duration time: 50 min.
Chocolate bliss
Relaxing pleasure from hot, natural, dark chocolate. During the massage skin derives valuable nutrient ingredients and wetness giving it effective protection from early obsolescence. It is recommended for cooler days. It leaves skin soft and nourished.
Duration time: 50 min.
California dream
Pleasant, deeply relaxing massage of whole body. It quietens, softens tension, relaxes. Massage technique is based on stroking moves made by masseur's forearms and pressures mobilizing internal energy.
Duration time: 50 min.
Massages - Body sculpting
Chinese cups massage
Using underpressure create strong congestion of massaged tissues, improves supplying oxygen to the tissues and their nutrition, fast removal of behindhand liquids. The massage intensifies fat degradation and elimination of accumulated METABOLITY. A perfect supplement of body health, endermology, rollmassage and etc... Skin after the massage is soft, elastic and filed.
Duration time: 50 min.
Deep, strong massage perfect for silhouette sculpting and improvement of skin plastic features. It is recommended for fat tissue liquidation from thighs, hips and buttocks. It causes weight drop. It increases matter transition in hypodermic tissue, accelerates getting rid of water and other products of metabolism. It initiates collagen regeneration in skin.
Duration time: 50 min.
Body peeling
Fine-grained peeling
Gently and effectively removes dead skin cells while maintaining the skin's natural moisture. Increases the absorbtion of active ingredients from creams and oilives used for massage.
Duration time: 30 min.
Sugar peeling
It cleans and smooths out skin, stimulates microcirculation. It gently moinstens and makes skin oily.
Duration time: 30 min.